ESE Lightning Protection Arrester

Product Details:

  • Arrester Type
  • Station Type
  • Intermediate Type
  • Distribution Type

ESE Lightning Arrester the LPI Stormaster (Early Streamer Emission) range of terminals provides a safe and efficient system for the protection of your facility from direct lightning strikes. The LPI Stormaster ESE terminal captures the lightning energy at a preferred point.


Working of ESE Lightning Arrester:

The Stormaster ESE air terminal uses the naturally occurring electrical field to complete the timely release of an upward streamer. This process provides for a safe and efficient method of controlling dangerous lightning energy at a preferred point. As a thunderstorm gathers overhead, the ambient electrical field surrounding the Stormaster ESE begins to rise in voltage. Upon the approach of a downward leader towards the protected area, there is a rapid increase in the electric field which initiates the triggering of an upward streamer from the Stormaster ESE terminal. The early initiation allows for a larger or enhanced area of protection to be provided by the Stormaster ESE in comparison to a conventional rod, in accordance with NF C 17-102 (2011). With the release of the upward streamer from the finial tip earlier than other competing structural points, the Stormaster ESE terminal becomes a preferred point for the capture of the lightning discharge within the protected area.

Certified Performance:

As one of the leading companies in the field of lightning protection, LPI has invested heavily in field and laboratory testing as part of its ongoing commitment to research and development. Throughout the product development of the Stormaster ESE the proto type models were subjected to intense testing under high voltage conditions. Following further refinements the Stormaster terminals were subjected to final testing by an independently accredited test laboratory which completed testing in full compliance with the French National Standard NF C 17-102 (2011).